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Customer Experience Management and Technologies Charter

Call Centres Association Charter





Name and Headquarter of the Association:

ARTICLE 1 – “CALL CENTRES ASSOCIATION” has been established to be managed in accordance with laws and charter codes, and to conduct studies in line with the aim and subjects mentioned below. Headquarter of the Association is in Istanbul.

Abbreviation of CALL CENTRE ASSOCIATION is CCA in English; the original abbreviation is ÇMD for “ÇAĞRI MERKEZİ DERNEĞİ” in Turkish.



ARTICLE 2 – Purpose of the Association is to contribute to the development and extension of call centre service area in Turkey, to the generation of employment, to emergence and application of sector standards; to improve the social awareness, to incentivise work abiding by ethic rules; to represent the sector both abroad and at home by looking after interests of the whole; to provide services and products that will add value to both members and institutions in the sector.


Work Fields

ARTICLE 3 – Work fields of CCA are stated below.


  1. To take necessary actions for the extension of work fields in which call centres provide service;

  2. To enable emergence of legislation and standards regarding to the sector, with regulatory and supervisory board; to launch initiatives and develop relations in the presence of public institutions and state;

  3. To manage contact and relations as a representative of the sector between national and international public and private institutions and organisations; to carry out work regarding to the development of the sector in Turkey,

  4. To participate in joint work by representing the whole sector of our country in European Union;

  5. To conduct studies with the aim of data collection and sharing about the sector; to follow and apply the recent developments about the sector worldwide.

  6. To enable development by following the common agenda of members, to offer value added services.

  7. To research national and international education opportunities for the improvement of people and managers in the sector, and to support the relevant attempts accordingly.

  8. To conduct promoting joint campaigns, to organise contests, to grant awards with the relevant organisations in the country in order to raise awareness of parties both offering service and receiving service in the sector about the service quality.

  9. To research and improve professional development areas in the sector; and to conduct institution and individual-oriented studies accordingly; to establish collaborations with universities, high schools and other institutions with the development and improvement of the profession.

  10. To conduct studies directed at improving working environment and conditions in the sector.

  11. To benefit from printed and visual media such as radio, television, newspaper, magazine, book, brochure; to publish periodically, to organise meetings, courses, seminars, conferences, congresses and panels; to take required initiatives to participate in national and international exhibitions, exposition and congresses;

  12. To support research and development projects on call centre services, working methods and performance; to collaborate with members, universities, technical schools and research institutions in accordance with this purpose; to establish a library and data bank on subjects as management quality, quality management and systems, for its members.

  13. To conduct training studies and joint projects with internationally collaborating institutions and organisations; to take support from international media organisations regarding to the goals of the Association.


Way of Working

ARTICLE 4 – With the aim of reaching its goals and putting the work fields into practise, CCA


1.     Works so that the sector and Association is recognized by public, and maintains its prestige in line with its goals and work fields,


2.     Conducts researches and examinations regarding to its goals and work fields; determines suggestions and requests; establishes research and development centres; establishes library and data bank on call centres management quality; it designs and applies revenue generating projects on goals and services,  with the help of sub-committees or specialisation groups within CCA.


3.     Provides its members, private and public sectors and non-governmental organisations with introductory documents,


4.     Opens courses and schools; organises skill seminars; grants scholarships for training, development and improvement of its members and managers on the call centre services,


5.     Purchases movable and immovable property required for the goals and work fields; it may take on financial leasing; it may rent out and sell the properties; it may impose and remove any real right on immovable properties; it may run these properties and do any kind of construction work on them,


6.     Establishes partnerships, commercial enterprises, companies, foundations and charity funds; it also establishes and runs centres for training, and facilities and locals for leisure time activities and entertainment as well,


7.     Collects and delivers grants, it may also accept conditional or unconditional requests, in accordance with Charity Collection Law and the Charter provisions,


8.     May implement joint projects with public institutions, regarding to their duties; it may be provided by public institutions and organizations with aid in kind and cash amounting to maximum 50% of projects costs, without prejudice to provisions of Law No. 5072 on Public Institutions and Organizations of Associations and Foundations. Providing that it announces the civilian authority beforehand and takes the aid with bank transfer, the Association may also be provided with aid in kind and cash by persons, institutions and organisations abroad. With the decision of Executive Board, it may undertake any legal action and operation to become indebted, including getting loan required for the goals and work fields. It may be involved in international activities; become a member of Associations and organisations abroad; conduct project-based joint studies with these organisations; and cooperate,


9.     May establish foundation, federation or join a federation, and it may establish facilities which may be established by Associations with certain permissions, if required for the goal to be achieved,   


10.  Organises conferences, symposiums, panels, open sessions, forums, exposition, exhibitions and contests,


11.  May obtain any kind of technical devices and utilities, fixture and stationery equipment to provide a proper work environment with the aim of fulfilling the purpose,


12.  Conducts all the required studies regarding to the purpose and work fields.








Membership Criteria


ARTICLE 5 - All legal persons that have the capacity to act, that adopt the aims and principles of the Association and accept working accordingly, that fulfil the conditions prescribed by the charter and regulation are entitled to membership of this Association.   


Full members of the Association consist of founders of the Association and legal persons accepted to membership by Executive Board upon their request.


Natural and legal persons that have made substantial moral and material contributions to the Association may be granted honorary membership by decree of the Executive Board. 


The prerequisite and minimum conditions for a candidate institution to be granted full membership are as follows:


·         To provide call centre service and/or to provide the call centre service through outsources,


·         To have been maintaining this activity for at least 12 months,


·         To have at least 20 customer representatives providing call centre service through internal source and/or external source,


·         To have minimum ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) for service standard and/or automatic calling system infrastructure.


·         Reference letter from at least one member of the Call Centers Association


Members are obliged to follow the charter and show loyalty to the Association. Each member is obliged to act in accordance with the aim of the Association, and particularly to avoid behaviours that will hinder or prevent the achievement of the aim.

In case of merging a member with another company by bilaterally taking over active and passive assets or by joining to another company, providing that the Association is notified about this merger with a written statement, and all other information and documents required by the Association to prove this merger are endued to the Association, the new company is deemed to be Association number in accordance with the explanatory decision of Executive Board, and  the required revisions for registration are done; other members of the Association are informed about this subject by Executive Board. In this case, the new company is exempt from the entrance fee and the criteria “having been maintaining its activities at least for 12 months”, which is one of the requirements for full membership. In any case, the new company is liable without any exception for all the debts of the substituted old member to the Association.


Types of Membership

ARTICLE 6 - Types of CCA Membership are indicated below.

FULL MEMBERS: This group consists of founder members and legal persons that have been accepted to membership. Legal person representative is required to be in a senior manager level such as Executive Board member, General Manager or Deputy General Manager. 


HONORARY MEMBER: It is a type of membership that is granted, upon the suggestion of CCA Executive Board and the approval of CCA General Assembly, to persons who have pioneered to develop and extend the call centre sector, and to create a positive image for the sector both home and abroad, to improve the CCA and quality awareness on the sector; who have contributed great efforts to the Association. Honorary members are not obliged to pay entrance and annual fees, and do not bear the right to elect and be elected. Honorary members attend meetings upon invitation.


Membership Procedures

ARTICLE 7 – Necessary procedures for CCA membership are indicated below.


Candidates for CCA membership fill a form, which states that they accept CCA goals and work fields and chapter provisions, and that they fulfil the required membership criteria; they submit the form to CCA Headquarter. 

After the relevant Committee has conducted required research and inspections about the candidate, CCA Executive Board arrives at a decision within the 30 days beginning from the application date, and notifies the candidate in written.

Candidate application of whom has been approved and who has paid entrance and annual fees is registered in the record book. Annual fee is collected with per diem deduction (the principle of calculating the fee proportionally, beginning from the date) beginning from the application date. Annual membership fee is determined depending on the capacity of customer representatives working in the call centre. CCA membership cannot be acquired unless these procedures are completed.


Once acquired the membership right, members also acquire the right to elect the Association organs, to be elected and to send representatives to the General Assembly.  


Membership Fees

ARTICLE 8 – Each member is obliged to pay entrance fee only for once, for the approval of its membership; and also annual fee during its membership in the amount specified by Executive Board in the annual budget. 


Amount of entrance and annual fees are determined by Executive Board decision. Executive Board is responsible for applying legal interest and gradual increase for the delays in annual fee payments.


Resignation and Dismissal from Membership

ARTICLE 9 -. Membership is terminated under following conditions.


·         Ipso facto: The Association membership of persons that lose afterwards the membership qualifications stated in law and legislation terminates automatically.  


·         By Resignation: No person can be forced to remain as the Association member. Each member has the right to resign from membership, provided that notifying in written. As soon as the resignation petition of the member has been received by the Executive Board, resignation procedures are deemed to be completed. Resignation from the membership does not terminate the accrued debts of the member to the Association. 


·         By Dismissal: Reasons for dismissal from Association membership are indicated below:


1.     To fail to fulfil the fees and donation obligation, and to insist on not paying the fees despite the written request by Executive Board,


2.     To violate the charter, internal regulations and instructions,


3.     To fail to comply with works of the Association and Executive Board decisions,


4.     To lose qualifications stated in the charter and regulations.


In case of the detection of one of the situations above, membership can be terminated under the decision by Executive Board. Those who have resigned or been dismissed from membership are deleted from the member record book, and they do not have any claim on Association assets.


Warning and Expulsion Decisions

ARTICLE 10 – Decision of warning or expulsion against a member is taken by Executive Board. The Executive Board conducts required research and inspection to conclude a rightful decision about the member, in case the Executive Board deems it necessary or deems the application of a member to be significant. After taking the member’s statement, it may conclude either warning or expulsion decision, if deemed necessary. Member may make an objection to this decision through Executive Board in General Assembly, within 15 days beginning from the notification date. In case member does not object to the decision during that certain period or the objection is rejected in General Assembly, Association Executive Board deletes the registration of this member.  The dismissed member retains the right to go to law against the decision within a period of one month following the General Assembly meeting date.






Organs of the Association

ARTICLE 11 – Organs of the Association are indicated below:


·         General Assembly


·         Executive Board


·         Supervisory Board


General Assembly

ARTICLE 12 – General Assembly, the top authority of the Association, comprises of representatives assigned by members. Member institutions are represented by their representatives in General Assembly. Association members are divided into five different categories, based on the number of customer representatives in call centres, number of the representatives that shall represent the legal members in General Assembly is indicated below. Customer representative refers to the employees working in the call centres of the member legal person, which offers customer representative service under call centre activity and/or management.  


·         Category A full member: Members employing between 50 and 100 customer representatives; they are represented by 1 representative 


·         Category B full member: Members employing between 101 and 300 customer representatives; they are represented by 2 representatives


·         Category C full member: Members employing between 301 and 500 customer representatives; they are represented by 3 representatives


·         Category D full member: Members employing between 501 and 1000 customer representatives; they are represented by 4 representatives


·         Category E full member: Members employing more than 1000 customer representatives; they are represented by 5 representatives in General Assembly.


The number of General Assembly representatives of the members that conduct and manage call centre activities wholly by external source is not determined according to the abovementioned categories, and is limited to 1(one) representative. 


General Assembly convenes once in every three years in February. It convenes for an extraordinary session within thirty days, if deemed necessary by Executive or Supervisory Board, or upon the written request of one fifth of the Association members.


Regular General Assembly convenes on the date, time and in the place which shall be determined by Executive Board, once in every 3 years on February. General Assembly is invited to the meeting by the Executive Board. If Executive Board does not invite the General Assembly to the meeting, magistrate assigns three members to invite the General Assembly to the meeting upon application of one of the members.


Invitation Procedure

Executive Board arranges the list of members that have the right to attend the general assembly in accordance with the Association charter. It warns the debtor members for the payment of all fee debts.  Debtor members may attend the general assembly meeting, but cannot be elected for organs of the Association. Members that have the right to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting by announcing the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting at least fifteen days before, or by notifying in written or by e-mail. In case of a failure to constitute the majority with this invitation, date, time and place of the second meeting is announced. The interval between the first and second meetings must be at least seven days, but it may not exceed sixty days. 


In case of the adjournment of the meeting due to another reason than failure to constitute the majority, the invitation made for the first meeting is announced to the members in accordance with the procedures, by also stating the reasons of adjournment.  It is mandatory to set the second meeting at latest within six months beginning from the adjournment data. Members are invited to the second meeting again in accordance with the principles stated in the first subsection.


General assembly meeting cannot be adjourned more than once.


Meeting Procedures

General assembly convenes with the attendance of absolute majority of members, whereas, in case of charter amendment and dissolution of the Association, with the attendance of two thirds majority; in case of adjournment of the meeting due to the failure to constitute the majority, then majority shall not be required for the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be lower than the twice as much as the number of executive and supervisory boards member. 


List of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly is kept available in the meeting place. Identification documents of the members to attend the meeting, which have been issued by official authorities, which are checked by incumbents that shall be assigned by Executive Board members or the Executive Board itself.  Members enter the meeting place by signing the list with their names on it, arranged by the Executive Board.  


If the quorum is met, the situation is reported with a minute, and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the Executive Board or an Executive Board member assigned by him. In case of failure to meet the quorum, the situation is reported by the Executive Board by writing a minute.


After opening of the meeting, a council committee is established by selecting a chairman to conduct the meeting, and a sufficient number of deputy chairman and clerk.


In the elections held to choose organs of the Associations, voting representatives are obliged to show their identity documents to the council committee and to sign the space next to their names on the attendance list. 


Council chairman is in the charge of managing the meeting and ensuring security in the meeting.

Only the agenda items are discussed in the general assembly. However, it is obligatory to discuss items which one tenth of the members in the meeting have requested in written to be discussed.

Each legal person, the Executive Board chairman of the full member and/or persons assigned as representatives vote in the general assembly. Each representative can vote for only once; representative has to vote in person. Honorary members are welcome to attend the general assembly meetings, but they cannot vote.


A minute is written to record the items discussed and decisions made in the meeting, and the minute is signed by council chairman and clerks together. At the end of the meeting, the minute and other documents are submitted to chairman of the Executive Board. Chairman of the Executive Board is liable to protect these documents and submit them to the new elected Executive Board within seven days. 


Charter Amendments

ARTICLE 13 – Charter provisions may be altered by the General Assembly in regular or extraordinary meeting agenda. General assembly convenes with the attendance of the two-thirds of the members who have the right to attend; in case of adjournment of the meeting due to failure to constitute the majority, majority shall not be required for the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be lower than the twice as much as the number of executive and supervisory boards’ member.  Decisions on charter amendments can only be taken with two-thirds majority of votes of the members in the meeting.


Procedures and Forms for Voting and Decision-Making of General Assembly


ARTICLE 14 – Unless otherwise agreed, choices of the executive and Supervisory Board members as well as the decisions on other items are open voted. It is possible to participate in the election in lists. General assembly decisions are made with the absolute majority of the members in the meeting. However, decisions on charter amendments and dissolution of the Association are only made with the two-thirds majority of the members in the meeting.


Decisions Made without Meeting or Invitation

ARTICLE 15 – Decisions made with the written statement of all the members without convening and the decisions made by all the members convening without following the invitation procedure stated in this chapter are valid. This way of decision-making is not deemed as a regular meeting.




Duties and Authorities of the General Assembly


ARTICLE 16 – Aspects written below are discussed and determined by the General Assembly.


1.     Election of the full and substitute members of Association organs,


2.     Amendments in Association charter,


3.     Discussion of the Executive and Supervisory Boards reports, acquittance  of the Executive Board,


4.     Approval of the budget and annual fee prepared by the Executive Board, with or without changes,


5.     Authorisation of the Executive Board for purchasing, mortgaging and releasing the mortgage, transferring and donating the properties,


6.     Authorisation of the Executive Board to establish, join or resign from high unions and organisations as foundation, federation and confederation in parallel with the aims of Association; to determine and pay the shares; to select the delegates to represent the Association in these such organisations,


7.     Opening new branches home and abroad, when necessary, and authorisation of the Executive Board accordingly,


8.     Authorisation of the Executive Board for the Association to carry out international activities, to join as member or resign from the Associations and organisations abroad,


9.     Dissolution of the Association,


10.  Concluding on a decision by discussing the objections against the expulsion decisions of Executive Board, 


11.  Reviewing other suggestions by the Executive Board and concluding on a decision,


12.  Fulfilment of the other tasks assigned to the Executive Board under the regulations and charter.


The General Assembly inspects other organs of the Association, and may discharge them from the task for justifiable reasons at any time. The General Assembly, as the highest authority in the Association, fulfils tasks that are not assigned to another organ, and exercises power. 


Executive Board

ARTICLE 17 – Executive Board is comprised of thirteen (13) full members and thirteen (13) substitute members that have been chosen by the General Assembly among the full member representatives until the next election.

In case of discharge in full memberships, calling the substitute members for duty is an obligation. It is possible for a member whose membership is expired to be re-elected.  Executive Board and the Chairman, elected by the General Assembly, delegate the duties between themselves and select four (4) Deputy Chairmen in the first meeting.


Chairman of the Executive Board cannot hold the duty of chair again without an at least one-year interval after the successive two electoral periods. Decisions are taken by the absolute majority of the total member number. In case of a tie, vote of the chairman is decisive.


Members that have not attended successively three meetings without any excuse may be deemed resigned by the Executive Board decision. In case of the termination of the post at the corporate identity that the Member of the Board represents, the same corporate identity assigns a new name within 7 working days of the physical separation and informs the association in written. In case the assignment does not take place or the membership does not take place for any reason, the Board assigns a name from the list of substitute members. The substitute member serves the time of the member he/she replaced. In case of the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman chairs the meeting. The Chairman of the Executive Board is also the President of the Association and represents the association. In case of the absence of the President of the Association, the Deputy President bears full authorization of the President. The authority to make statements on behalf of the association is held only by the President, in case of an excuse or absence by the Deputy President and in case of the absence of the Deputy President by an executive assigned by the Executive Board. In case of the termination of the assignment of the President of the Association at the corporate identity that he/she represents, the General Board is called for an extraordinary meeting for re-election. The Executive Board holds a meeting at least once a month on the invitation of the President or the Deputy President, on the day designated, with one more than half of the total number of members and makes decisions with absolute majority.




Duties and Authorities of the Executive Board

ARTICLE 18 – The Executive Board makes decision upon the subjects written below, and applies them.


1.     To represent the Association, to authorise one or more than one of its members accordingly, to appoint and assign the representative required by the official authorities, reserving the written authorities of the President of the Association written in the abovementioned article,


2.     To manage the Association in accordance with the authorities stated under law and charter,


3.     To establish study groups or management and service committees to help the Executive Board upon the goals and service,


4.     To arrange the income and expenditure accounts of the Association; to arrange the next-term budget and submit it to the Executive Board; to spend within the budget,


5.     To cover the budget expenses and to collect the Association income,


6.     To arrange the meeting agenda and to invite the Executive Board to regular or extraordinary meeting sessions,


7.     To appoint the General Secretary and the working conditions,


8.     To establish the organisation of the Association; to make decision upon appointment, proportion, transfer, penalty and other personnel affairs; to determine the staff salary and arrange regulations regarding to these issues,


9.     To apply the General Assembly decisions,


10.  To inflict disciplinary penalties on members and to warn members, when necessary,


11.  To make decision on the approval or rejection of those who have been suggested as members,


12.  To entrust procuration for the lawsuit, to come to agreement, to acquit, to withdraw the lawsuit and appeal, to accept the lawsuit and withdrawal, to sue, to exercise administrative, financial, juridical and operational prosecution, and to entrust procuration including these issues,


13.  To inform the civilian authority on the election results within thirty days after the election, 


14.  To inform the civilian authority on Organs of the Association and address amendments within thirty days,


15.  To make decision upon opening new branches by the power given by the General Assembly,


16.  To purchase immovable property, to sell movable and immovable properties belonging to the Association, to construct buildings or facilities, to draw up leasing contracts, to establish pawn, mortgage or real rights in favour of the Association,


17.  To ensure that representative offices are opened in locations deemed to be necessary, 


18.  In case of the General Assembly decision upon membership to federations, supreme institutions or Associations, to appoint delegates to represent the Association before these institutions,  


19.  To make decision upon establishment of a commercial enterprise,


20.  To perform other tasks and to use authorities assigned by the Association charter and regulations. 


Duties and Authorities of the President

ARTICLE 19 – The president represents and conducts the Association. He chairs the Central Executive Board meetings. The president


1.     Ensures that civilian authority is notified of full and substitute members elected in the elections by the General Assembly, for the Executive and Supervisory Boards, as well as for the other organs within thirty days following the election,


2.     Ensures that civilian authority is notified of organs of the Association and address amendments, within thirty days,


3.     Ensures that obligatory registers and records of the Association are kept,


4.     Ensures that the statement in which the Association arranges its activities, revenue and expenditure accounts by the end of the year is submitted to the civilian authority by the end of the April every year.


5.     Ensures that, in case an aid is received from abroad, this aid is received through bank transactions,


6.     Ensures that the civilian authority is notified of the immovable properties of the Association, within one month following the land registration,


7.     Ensures that, in case the Association opens new representative agencies, the civilian authority is notified of the address of the agency and the representatives assigned,


8.     Calls the Executive Board for meeting on significant situations and emergencies. He encourages and pioneers for an efficient and effective performance of central and branch duties,


9.     Performs other tasks and uses authorities assigned to the President in the regulations.


Failure to Complete the Executive Board with Substitute Members

ARTICLE 20 – In case the number of the Executive Board lowers than the half of the total member number, even after substitute members have been appointed for the discharged, the General Assembly is called for meeting by the Executive Board members or the Supervisory Board, within one month.

If there is no call for the meeting, upon the application of one of the Association members, magistrate conducts a hearing, and assigns three members of the Association to convene the General Assembly within one month.


Supervisory Board

ARTICLE 21 – The Supervisory Board is comprised of three full members and three substitute members elected by the General Assembly for the period until the next election. A member whose membership is expired may be re-elected. In case of a discharge in the Supervisory Board full members due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to assign the substitute members for the task in accordance with the majority of votes. The Supervisory Board, in accordance with the principles and procedures stated in the charter and with intervals not exceeding one year, inspects whether activities are performed in accordance with the goals and the working fields accordingly stated in the charter, whether records, accounts and registers are kept in accordance with the regulations and the charter; and it reports and submits the inspection results to the Executive Board, and the General Assembly, when it convenes.  


The Supervisory Board determines the way of working by itself. President of the Supervisory Board or a member may make comments or suggestions by attending the Executive Board meetings upon invitation. The Supervisory Board calls the General Assembly for meeting when necessary. Upon request of the Supervisory Board Members, it is obligatory for the Association officers to submit any kind of information, documents and records; to fulfil the request of entering the management places, institutes and annexes.

Duties of the Supervisory Board can be listed as follows:


1.     To inspect the financial performance of CCA


2.     To inspect conformity of the Executive Board applications to “Strategic Plan”,


3.     To inspect conformity of the Association activities to legal obligations, inspection and accounting principles, management principles of the organisation itself, business ethic, and corporate management principles and values,  


4.     To perform other duties and use authorities assigned to the Supervisory Board in regulations.


All the Supervisory Board members must have transparent relations with the organisations for the sake of independence of the Supervisory Board membership.






Association Register and Documents


ARTICLE 22 – The Association keeps the obligatory records in accordance with regulations. Besides, other records may also be kept upon the Executive Board decision.


Borrowing Procedures and Ways of the Association

ARTICLE 23 – The Association, if needed to realise the goals and carry out the activities, may borrow by the Executive Board decision. This borrowing may be in cash, as well as purchase of items or services on credit. However, this borrowing cannot reach an amount that cannot be met with revenue resources of the Association, and that will cause difficulty in payment.


Revenues of the Association

ARTICLE 24 – Revenues of the Association are comprised of


1.     Membership fee, entrance fee,


2.     Revenues received from the publishing, lotteries, proms, entertainments, festivals, exhibitions, concerts, contests, conferences and other similar activities organised by the Association,


3.     Revenues received from the assets of the Association, bank interests and similar revenues,  


4.     Donations and aid granted willingly by real and legal persons, and any kind of conditional or unconditional testament claims,  


5.     Collected aid and accepted donations in accordance with the regulations on aid collection,


6.     Revenues earned from the commercial activities that the Association is engaged with the aim of providing the income required for its goals,


7.     Miscellaneous revenues.


The Association cannot receive any kind of financial aid from political parties and cannot give aid to these organisations under no circumstances.


Revenue and Expenditure Operations

ARTICLE 25 – Association revenues are collected with “Certificate of Receipt” (a sample of this document shown under Associations Regulation Annex-17). In case Association revenues are collected through bank transaction, documents as bank receipts or account abstract are deemed certificate of receipt. Association expenditures are carried out with bills, retail sales slips, self-employment invoice. However, a note of expenses is arranged for the payments in the scope of the Income Tax Law Article no. 94, while “Expense Voucher” (a sample of this document shown under Associations Regulation Annex-13) is arranged for the payments out of this scope.


Items and services free of charge offered by the Association to persons, institutions and organisations are carried out with “Aid in Kind Delivery Notice” (a sample of this document can be found under Associations Regulation Annex-14). Items and services free of charge offered by persons, institutions and organisations to the Association are carried out “Certificate of Aid in Kind Receipt” (a sample of this document can be found under Associations Regulation Annex-15).


Certificates of Receipt 


“Certificates of Receipt” which will be used for collection of the Association revenues are printed (in the form and scale stated under Associations Regulation Annex-17) by the Executive Board decision. 


Acts on the issues such as print and control of certificates of receipt, receiving them from the print house, registering them, hand-over of old and new comptrollers, use of the certificates of receipt by person or persons who shall collect revenues in behalf of the Association must be in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Associations Regulation.


Certificate of Authority


Person or persons that shall collect revenue in behalf of the Association, and their authorisation period as well, are determined by the Executive Board decision. “Certificate of Authority”, which includes the open identity, signature and photographs of the persons that shall collect the revenues (a sample of this document can be found under Associations Regulation Annex-19), is prepared in three copies and signed off by the President of Association Executive Board. Each unit of the Association is provided with copies of certificate of authority. Associations unit are informed by President of the Executive Board on the amendments regarding to the certificate of authority, within fifteen days.


Persons that shall collect revenues in behalf of the Association may commence collecting revenues beginning from the date when Association units are provided with a copy of certificate of authority on their behalf.


Acts on use, renewal, return of the certificates of authority and the other issues shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Associations Regulation. 


Preservation Period for the Revenue and Expenditure Documents

Certificates of receipt, vouchers and other documents except from registers are kept for a period of 5 years in accordance with the number and date order they have been registered, without any prejudice to periods stated under special laws.


Submitting Declaration

ARTICLE 26 – “Association Declaration” (a sample can be found under Associations Regulation Annex-21) regarding to the activities of the previous year and year-end results of the revenue-expenditure operations are filled by the Association Executive Board and submitted to the civilian authority by the President of the Association within the first four months of the every calendar year.  


Obligation of Notification

ARTICLE 27 -  Notifications to be made to civilian authority:


Notification of the General Assembly Results

“Notification of the General Assembly Results” with appendixes (a sample can be found in Associations Regulation Annex-3), which includes full and substitute members elected for the Executive and Supervisory Boards and for other organs are submitted to the civilian authority by the President of the Executive Board within the thirty days following regular and extraordinary General Assembly sessions.


The following documents are also added besides notification of the General Assembly results:


1- A sample of General Assembly meeting minutes signed by the Council Chairman, Deputies of the President and the clerk,

2- In case of charter amendments, old and new versions of the amended provisions, as well as the latest version of the Association charter with signatures of the Executive Board members on each page.

Notification of Immovable Properties 


Civilian authority is notified of the immovable properties acquired by the Association, by filling the “Notification of Immovable Properties” (a sample can be found under Associations Regulation EK-26) within the thirty days following the land registration. 


Notification of Receiving Aid from Abroad

In case of receiving aid from abroad, the Association fills two copies of “Notification of Receiving Aid from Abroad” (a sample can be found under Associations Regulation EK-4) and notifies the civilian authority, before receiving the aid. 


Sample of the Executive Board decision on receiving aid from abroad; protocols, contracts and similar documents arranged on this issue, if available, and the receipts, extras and similar documents of the aid-receiving account are also added to the notification form.

It is obligatory to receive aid in cash through bank transactions and to fulfil the notification requirement before using the aid. 


Notification of the Joint Projects in Collaboration with Public Institutions and Organisations

Sample of the protocol regarding to the joint projects of the Association in collaboration with public institutions and organisations on the issues in the working field of the Association,  and a sample of the project are attached to the “Project Notification” (shown under Associations Regulation Annex-23), and all these documents are submitted to the governor office of the province where the headquarter of the Association, within one month following the protocol date. 


Notification of Amendments 


Civilian authority is notified of amendments in the Association address by filling  “Notification of Address Amendments” (stated under Associations Regulation Annex-24); and of amendments in the Association organs  which have occurred without General Assembly session by filling “Notification of Association Organs Amendments” (stated under Associations Regulation Annex-25), within the thirty days following the amendment.


Civilian authority is notified of the amendments in the Association Charter in the Notification of General Assembly Results attachment, within the thirty days following the General Assembly meeting in which amendments are done. 


Internal Inspection of the Association

ARTICLE 28 – While the General Assembly, Executive Board or Supervisory Board may conduct inspection, it may also give authority to independent auditing firm to carry out inspection. That inspections have been carried out by the General Assembly, Executive Board or independent auditing firms does not remove the responsibility of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board carries out inspection in the Association at least once in a year. If necessary, the General Assembly or the Executive Board may carry out inspection, or may make independent auditing firms carry out inspections. 


Dissolution of the Association and Liquidation of Assets

ARTICLE 29 – The General Assembly may decide on dissolution of the Association at any time.


Two-thirds majority of members who have the right to attend the General Assembly is required to discuss dissolution in the General Assembly. In case of adjournment of the meeting due to the failure to constitute the majority, then majority is not required for the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be lower than the twice as much as the total number of executive and supervisory boards’ member. 

Required decision majority for dissolution is the two-thirds of the votes of members who have attended the meeting and have right to vote. Decision on dissolution is voted open in the General Assembly.


Liquidation Operations 


Once dissolution decision is made by the General Assembly, liquidation of the money, assets and rights of the Association is carried out by liquidation committee, which is comprised of the last members of the Executive Board. Liquidation operations start from the date on which the dissolution decision is made by the General Assembly or from the date on which the automatic termination occurs for certain. For all the operations within the liquidation period, the “Call Centres Association in Liquidation” expression is used to refer the Association. 


Liquidation committee is obliged and authorised to complete the liquidation processes of money, items and rights of the Association thoroughly, in accordance with the regulation. This committee firstly reviews the Association accounts. In this review, after determining registers, certificates or receipt, vouchers, land registration documents and bank records and other documents; the committee writes a minute on the assets and liabilities of the Association. During the liquidation process, claimants of the Association are called and their assets, if available, are paid in cash to them. If Association is the claimant, claims are collected. All the cash, properties and rights remaining after the collection of claims and payment of debts are transferred to another establishment determined in the General Assembly. If any establishment to transfer has not been determined in the General Assembly, assets are transferred to an establishment, goals of which are closest to the Association’s and which has the most members on the dissolution date, in the province of the Association.


All operations regarding to liquidation are displayed on liquidation minute; and liquidation operations are completed within three months, except for the extension periods given by the civilian authorities with rightful reasons.

It is obligatory for the liquidation committee to notify the civilian authority of the province of the situation with a written statement and to attach the liquidation minute to this statement, within seven days following the completion of liquidation and transfer operations of money, items and rights of the Association. 


The members of the last Executive Board, as the liquidation committee, are obliged to keep the registers and documents of the Association. This duty may also be assigned to a member of the Executive Board. Preservation period of these registers and documents is five years.



ARTICLE 30 – The Association is managed in accordance with regulation and direction provisions arranged by the Executive Board, without prejudice to Charter.


Lack of Provision

ARTICLE 31 – On issues that are not stated in this charter, provisions of Associations Law, Turkish Civil Code and Associations Regulation and other relevant regulation arranged in accordance with the abovementioned laws regarding to Associations are enacted.




Name and Headquarter of the Association:

ARTICLE 1 – “CALL CENTRES ASSOCIATION” has been established to be managed in accordance with laws and charter codes, and to conduct studies in line with the aim and subjects mentioned below. Headquarter of the Association is in Istanbul.

Abbreviation of CALL CENTRE ASSOCIATION is CCA in English; the original abbreviation is ÇMD for “ÇAĞRI MERKEZİ DERNEĞİ” in Turkish.



ARTICLE 2 – Purpose of the Association is to contribute to the development and extension of call centre service area in Turkey, to the generation of employment, to emergence and application of sector standards; to improve the social awareness, to incentivise work abiding by ethic rules; to represent the sector both abroad and at home by looking after interests of the whole; to provide services and products that will add value to both members and institutions in the sector.


Work Fields

ARTICLE 3 – Work fields of CCA are stated below.


1.     To take necessary actions for the extension of work fields in which call centres provide service;


2.     To enable emergence of legislation and standards regarding to the sector, with regulatory and supervisory board; to launch initiatives and develop relations in the presence of public institutions and state;


3.     To manage contact and relations as a representative of the sector between national and international public and private institutions and organisations; to carry out work regarding to the development of the sector in Turkey,


4.     To participate in joint work by representing the whole sector of our country in European Union;


5.     To conduct studies with the aim of data collection and sharing about the sector; to follow and apply the recent developments about the sector worldwide.


6.     To enable development by following the common agenda of members, to offer value added services.


7.     To research national and international education opportunities for the improvement of people and managers in the sector, and to support the relevant attempts accordingly.


8.     To conduct promoting joint campaigns, to organise contests, to grant awards with the relevant organisations in the country in order to raise awareness of parties both offering service and receiving service in the sector about the service quality.


9.     To research and improve professional development areas in the sector; and to conduct institution and individual-oriented studies accordingly; to establish collaborations with universities, high schools and other institutions with the development and improvement of the profession.


10.  To conduct studies directed at improving working environment and conditions in the sector.


11.  To benefit from printed and visual media such as radio, television, newspaper, magazine, book, brochure; to publish periodically, to organise meetings, courses, seminars, conferences, congresses and panels; to take required initiatives to participate in national and international exhibitions, exposition and congresses;


12.  To support research and development projects on call centre services, working methods and performance; to collaborate with members, universities, technical schools and research institutions in accordance with this purpose; to establish a library and data bank on subjects as management quality, quality management and systems, for its members.


13.  To conduct training studies and joint projects with internationally collaborating institutions and organisations; to take support from international media organisations regarding to the goals of the Association.


Way of Working

ARTICLE 4 – With the aim of reaching its goals and putting the work fields into practise, CCA


1.     Works so that the sector and Association is recognized by public, and maintains its prestige in line with its goals and work fields,


2.     Conducts researches and examinations regarding to its goals and work fields; determines suggestions and requests; establishes research and development centres; establishes library and data bank on call centres management quality; it designs and applies revenue generating projects on goals and services,  with the help of sub-committees or specialisation groups within CCA.


3.     Provides its members, private and public sectors and non-governmental organisations with introductory documents,


4.     Opens courses and schools; organises skill seminars; grants scholarships for training, development and improvement of its members and managers on the call centre services,


5.     Purchases movable and immovable property required for the goals and work fields; it may take on financial leasing; it may rent out and sell the properties; it may impose and remove any real right on immovable properties; it may run these properties and do any kind of construction work on them,


6.     Establishes partnerships, commercial enterprises, companies, foundations and charity funds; it also establishes and runs centres for training, and facilities and locals for leisure time activities and entertainment as well,


7.     Collects and delivers grants, it may also accept conditional or unconditional requests, in accordance with Charity Collection Law and the Charter provisions,


8.     May implement joint projects with public institutions, regarding to their duties; it may be provided by public institutions and organizations with aid in kind and cash amounting to maximum 50% of projects costs, without prejudice to provisions of Law No. 5072 on Public Institutions and Organizations of Associations and Foundations. Providing that it announces the civilian authority beforehand and takes the aid with bank transfer, the Association may also be provided with aid in kind and cash by persons, institutions and organisations abroad. With the decision of Executive Board, it may undertake any legal action and operation to become indebted, including getting loan required for the goals and work fields. It may be involved in international activities; become a member of Associations and organisations abroad; conduct project-based joint studies with these organisations; and cooperate,


9.     May establish foundation, federation or join a federation, and it may establish facilities which may be established by Associations with certain permissions, if required for the goal to be achieved,   


10.  Organises conferences, symposiums, panels, open sessions, forums, exposition, exhibitions and contests,


11.  May obtain any kind of technical devices and utilities, fixture and stationery equipment to provide a proper work environment with the aim of fulfilling the purpose,


12.  Conducts all the required studies regarding to the purpose and work fields.








Membership Criteria


ARTICLE 5 - All legal persons that have the capacity to act, that adopt the aims and principles of the Association and accept working accordingly, that fulfil the conditions prescribed by the charter and regulation are entitled to membership of this Association.   


Full members of the Association consist of founders of the Association and legal persons accepted to membership by Executive Board upon their request.


Natural and legal persons that have made substantial moral and material contributions to the Association may be granted honorary membership by decree of the Executive Board. 


The prerequisite and minimum conditions for a candidate institution to be granted full membership are as follows:


·         To provide call centre service and/or to provide the call centre service through outsources,


·         To have been maintaining this activity for at least 12 months,


·         To have at least 20 customer representatives providing call centre service through internal source and/or external source,


·         To have minimum ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) for service standard and/or automatic calling system infrastructure.


·         Reference letter from at least one member of the Call Centers Association


Members are obliged to follow the charter and show loyalty to the Association. Each member is obliged to act in accordance with the aim of the Association, and particularly to avoid behaviours that will hinder or prevent the achievement of the aim.

In case of merging a member with another company by bilaterally taking over active and passive assets or by joining to another company, providing that the Association is notified about this merger with a written statement, and all other information and documents required by the Association to prove this merger are endued to the Association, the new company is deemed to be Association number in accordance with the explanatory decision of Executive Board, and  the required revisions for registration are done; other members of the Association are informed about this subject by Executive Board. In this case, the new company is exempt from the entrance fee and the criteria “having been maintaining its activities at least for 12 months”, which is one of the requirements for full membership. In any case, the new company is liable without any exception for all the debts of the substituted old member to the Association.


Types of Membership

ARTICLE 6 - Types of CCA Membership are indicated below.

FULL MEMBERS: This group consists of founder members and legal persons that have been accepted to membership. Legal person representative is required to be in a senior manager level such as Executive Board member, General Manager or Deputy General Manager. 


HONORARY MEMBER: It is a type of membership that is granted, upon the suggestion of CCA Executive Board and the approval of CCA General Assembly, to persons who have pioneered to develop and extend the call centre sector, and to create a positive image for the sector both home and abroad, to improve the CCA and quality awareness on the sector; who have contributed great efforts to the Association. Honorary members are not obliged to pay entrance and annual fees, and do not bear the right to elect and be elected. Honorary members attend meetings upon invitation.


Membership Procedures

ARTICLE 7 – Necessary procedures for CCA membership are indicated below.


Candidates for CCA membership fill a form, which states that they accept CCA goals and work fields and chapter provisions, and that they fulfil the required membership criteria; they submit the form to CCA Headquarter. 

After the relevant Committee has conducted required research and inspections about the candidate, CCA Executive Board arrives at a decision within the 30 days beginning from the application date, and notifies the candidate in written.

Candidate application of whom has been approved and who has paid entrance and annual fees is registered in the record book. Annual fee is collected with per diem deduction (the principle of calculating the fee proportionally, beginning from the date) beginning from the application date. Annual membership fee is determined depending on the capacity of customer representatives working in the call centre. CCA membership cannot be acquired unless these procedures are completed.


Once acquired the membership right, members also acquire the right to elect the Association organs, to be elected and to send representatives to the General Assembly.  


Membership Fees

ARTICLE 8 – Each member is obliged to pay entrance fee only for once, for the approval of its membership; and also annual fee during its membership in the amount specified by Executive Board in the annual budget. 


Amount of entrance and annual fees are determined by Executive Board decision. Executive Board is responsible for applying legal interest and gradual increase for the delays in annual fee payments.


Resignation and Dismissal from Membership

ARTICLE 9 -. Membership is terminated under following conditions.


·         Ipso facto: The Association membership of persons that lose afterwards the membership qualifications stated in law and legislation terminates automatically.  


·         By Resignation: No person can be forced to remain as the Association member. Each member has the right to resign from membership, provided that notifying in written. As soon as the resignation petition of the member has been received by the Executive Board, resignation procedures are deemed to be completed. Resignation from the membership does not terminate the accrued debts of the member to the Association. 


·         By Dismissal: Reasons for dismissal from Association membership are indicated below:


1.     To fail to fulfil the fees and donation obligation, and to insist on not paying the fees despite the written request by Executive Board,


2.     To violate the charter, internal regulations and instructions,


3.     To fail to comply with works of the Association and Executive Board decisions,


4.     To lose qualifications stated in the charter and regulations.


In case of the detection of one of the situations above, membership can be terminated under the decision by Executive Board. Those who have resigned or been dismissed from membership are deleted from the member record book, and they do not have any claim on Association assets.


Warning and Expulsion Decisions

ARTICLE 10 – Decision of warning or expulsion against a member is taken by Executive Board. The Executive Board conducts required research and inspection to conclude a rightful decision about the member, in case the Executive Board deems it necessary or deems the application of a member to be significant. After taking the member’s statement, it may conclude either warning or expulsion decision, if deemed necessary. Member may make an objection to this decision through Executive Board in General Assembly, within 15 days beginning from the notification date. In case member does not object to the decision during that certain period or the objection is rejected in General Assembly, Association Executive Board deletes the registration of this member.  The dismissed member retains the right to go to law against the decision within a period of one month following the General Assembly meeting date.






Organs of the Association

ARTICLE 11 – Organs of the Association are indicated below:


·         General Assembly


·         Executive Board


·         Supervisory Board


General Assembly

ARTICLE 12 – General Assembly, the top authority of the Association, comprises of representatives assigned by members. Member institutions are represented by their representatives in General Assembly. Association members are divided into five different categories, based on the number of customer representatives in call centres, number of the representatives that shall represent the legal members in General Assembly is indicated below. Customer representative refers to the employees working in the call centres of the member legal person, which offers customer representative service under call centre activity and/or management.  


·         Category A full member: Members employing between 50 and 100 customer representatives; they are represented by 1 representative 


·         Category B full member: Members employing between 101 and 300 customer representatives; they are represented by 2 representatives


·         Category C full member: Members employing between 301 and 500 customer representatives; they are represented by 3 representatives


·         Category D full member: Members employing between 501 and 1000 customer representatives; they are represented by 4 representatives


·         Category E full member: Members employing more than 1000 customer representatives; they are represented by 5 representatives in General Assembly.


The number of General Assembly representatives of the members that conduct and manage call centre activities wholly by external source is not determined according to the abovementioned categories, and is limited to 1(one) representative. 


General Assembly convenes once in every three years in February. It convenes for an extraordinary session within thirty days, if deemed necessary by Executive or Supervisory Board, or upon the written request of one fifth of the Association members.


Regular General Assembly convenes on the date, time and in the place which shall be determined by Executive Board, once in every 3 years on February. General Assembly is invited to the meeting by the Executive Board. If Executive Board does not invite the General Assembly to the meeting, magistrate assigns three members to invite the General Assembly to the meeting upon application of one of the members.


Invitation Procedure

Executive Board arranges the list of members that have the right to attend the general assembly in accordance with the Association charter. It warns the debtor members for the payment of all fee debts.  Debtor members may attend the general assembly meeting, but cannot be elected for organs of the Association. Members that have the right to attend the general assembly are invited to the meeting by announcing the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting at least fifteen days before, or by notifying in written or by e-mail. In case of a failure to constitute the majority with this invitation, date, time and place of the second meeting is announced. The interval between the first and second meetings must be at least seven days, but it may not exceed sixty days. 


In case of the adjournment of the meeting due to another reason than failure to constitute the majority, the invitation made for the first meeting is announced to the members in accordance with the procedures, by also stating the reasons of adjournment.  It is mandatory to set the second meeting at latest within six months beginning from the adjournment data. Members are invited to the second meeting again in accordance with the principles stated in the first subsection.


General assembly meeting cannot be adjourned more than once.


Meeting Procedures

General assembly convenes with the attendance of absolute majority of members, whereas, in case of charter amendment and dissolution of the Association, with the attendance of two thirds majority; in case of adjournment of the meeting due to the failure to constitute the majority, then majority shall not be required for the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be lower than the twice as much as the number of executive and supervisory boards member. 


List of the members who have the right to attend the general assembly is kept available in the meeting place. Identification documents of the members to attend the meeting, which have been issued by official authorities, which are checked by incumbents that shall be assigned by Executive Board members or the Executive Board itself.  Members enter the meeting place by signing the list with their names on it, arranged by the Executive Board.  


If the quorum is met, the situation is reported with a minute, and the meeting is opened by the chairman of the Executive Board or an Executive Board member assigned by him. In case of failure to meet the quorum, the situation is reported by the Executive Board by writing a minute.


After opening of the meeting, a council committee is established by selecting a chairman to conduct the meeting, and a sufficient number of deputy chairman and clerk.


In the elections held to choose organs of the Associations, voting representatives are obliged to show their identity documents to the council committee and to sign the space next to their names on the attendance list. 


Council chairman is in the charge of managing the meeting and ensuring security in the meeting.

Only the agenda items are discussed in the general assembly. However, it is obligatory to discuss items which one tenth of the members in the meeting have requested in written to be discussed.

Each legal person, the Executive Board chairman of the full member and/or persons assigned as representatives vote in the general assembly. Each representative can vote for only once; representative has to vote in person. Honorary members are welcome to attend the general assembly meetings, but they cannot vote.


A minute is written to record the items discussed and decisions made in the meeting, and the minute is signed by council chairman and clerks together. At the end of the meeting, the minute and other documents are submitted to chairman of the Executive Board. Chairman of the Executive Board is liable to protect these documents and submit them to the new elected Executive Board within seven days. 


Charter Amendments

ARTICLE 13 – Charter provisions may be altered by the General Assembly in regular or extraordinary meeting agenda. General assembly convenes with the attendance of the two-thirds of the members who have the right to attend; in case of adjournment of the meeting due to failure to constitute the majority, majority shall not be required for the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be lower than the twice as much as the number of executive and supervisory boards’ member.  Decisions on charter amendments can only be taken with two-thirds majority of votes of the members in the meeting.


Procedures and Forms for Voting and Decision-Making of General Assembly


ARTICLE 14 – Unless otherwise agreed, choices of the executive and Supervisory Board members as well as the decisions on other items are open voted. It is possible to participate in the election in lists. General assembly decisions are made with the absolute majority of the members in the meeting. However, decisions on charter amendments and dissolution of the Association are only made with the two-thirds majority of the members in the meeting.


Decisions Made without Meeting or Invitation

ARTICLE 15 – Decisions made with the written statement of all the members without convening and the decisions made by all the members convening without following the invitation procedure stated in this chapter are valid. This way of decision-making is not deemed as a regular meeting.




Duties and Authorities of the General Assembly


ARTICLE 16 – Aspects written below are discussed and determined by the General Assembly.


1.     Election of the full and substitute members of Association organs,


2.     Amendments in Association charter,


3.     Discussion of the Executive and Supervisory Boards reports, acquittance  of the Executive Board,


4.     Approval of the budget and annual fee prepared by the Executive Board, with or without changes,


5.     Authorisation of the Executive Board for purchasing, mortgaging and releasing the mortgage, transferring and donating the properties,


6.     Authorisation of the Executive Board to establish, join or resign from high unions and organisations as foundation, federation and confederation in parallel with the aims of Association; to determine and pay the shares; to select the delegates to represent the Association in these such organisations,


7.     Opening new branches home and abroad, when necessary, and authorisation of the Executive Board accordingly,


8.     Authorisation of the Executive Board for the Association to carry out international activities, to join as member or resign from the Associations and organisations abroad,


9.     Dissolution of the Association,


10.  Concluding on a decision by discussing the objections against the expulsion decisions of Executive Board, 


11.  Reviewing other suggestions by the Executive Board and concluding on a decision,


12.  Fulfilment of the other tasks assigned to the Executive Board under the regulations and charter.


The General Assembly inspects other organs of the Association, and may discharge them from the task for justifiable reasons at any time. The General Assembly, as the highest authority in the Association, fulfils tasks that are not assigned to another organ, and exercises power. 


Executive Board

ARTICLE 17 – Executive Board is comprised of thirteen (13) full members and thirteen (13) substitute members that have been chosen by the General Assembly among the full member representatives until the next election.

In case of discharge in full memberships, calling the substitute members for duty is an obligation. It is possible for a member whose membership is expired to be re-elected.  Executive Board and the Chairman, elected by the General Assembly, delegate the duties between themselves and select four (4) Deputy Chairmen in the first meeting.


Chairman of the Executive Board cannot hold the duty of chair again without an at least one-year interval after the successive two electoral periods. Decisions are taken by the absolute majority of the total member number. In case of a tie, vote of the chairman is decisive.


Members that have not attended successively three meetings without any excuse may be deemed resigned by the Executive Board decision. In case of the termination of the post at the corporate identity that the Member of the Board represents, the same corporate identity assigns a new name within 7 working days of the physical separation and informs the association in written. In case the assignment does not take place or the membership does not take place for any reason, the Board assigns a name from the list of substitute members. The substitute member serves the time of the member he/she replaced. In case of the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman chairs the meeting. The Chairman of the Executive Board is also the President of the Association and represents the association. In case of the absence of the President of the Association, the Deputy President bears full authorization of the President. The authority to make statements on behalf of the association is held only by the President, in case of an excuse or absence by the Deputy President and in case of the absence of the Deputy President by an executive assigned by the Executive Board. In case of the termination of the assignment of the President of the Association at the corporate identity that he/she represents, the General Board is called for an extraordinary meeting for re-election. The Executive Board holds a meeting at least once a month on the invitation of the President or the Deputy President, on the day designated, with one more than half of the total number of members and makes decisions with absolute majority.




Duties and Authorities of the Executive Board

ARTICLE 18 – The Executive Board makes decision upon the subjects written below, and applies them.


1.     To represent the Association, to authorise one or more than one of its members accordingly, to appoint and assign the representative required by the official authorities, reserving the written authorities of the President of the Association written in the abovementioned article,


2.     To manage the Association in accordance with the authorities stated under law and charter,


3.     To establish study groups or management and service committees to help the Executive Board upon the goals and service,


4.     To arrange the income and expenditure accounts of the Association; to arrange the next-term budget and submit it to the Executive Board; to spend within the budget,


5.     To cover the budget expenses and to collect the Association income,


6.     To arrange the meeting agenda and to invite the Executive Board to regular or extraordinary meeting sessions,


7.     To appoint the General Secretary and the working conditions,


8.     To establish the organisation of the Association; to make decision upon appointment, proportion, transfer, penalty and other personnel affairs; to determine the staff salary and arrange regulations regarding to these issues,


9.     To apply the General Assembly decisions,


10.  To inflict disciplinary penalties on members and to warn members, when necessary,


11.  To make decision on the approval or rejection of those who have been suggested as members,


12.  To entrust procuration for the lawsuit, to come to agreement, to acquit, to withdraw the lawsuit and appeal, to accept the lawsuit and withdrawal, to sue, to exercise administrative, financial, juridical and operational prosecution, and to entrust procuration including these issues,


13.  To inform the civilian authority on the election results within thirty days after the election, 


14.  To inform the civilian authority on Organs of the Association and address amendments within thirty days,


15.  To make decision upon opening new branches by the power given by the General Assembly,


16.  To purchase immovable property, to sell movable and immovable properties belonging to the Association, to construct buildings or facilities, to draw up leasing contracts, to establish pawn, mortgage or real rights in favour of the Association,


17.  To ensure that representative offices are opened in locations deemed to be necessary, 


18.  In case of the General Assembly decision upon membership to federations, supreme institutions or Associations, to appoint delegates to represent the Association before these institutions,  


19.  To make decision upon establishment of a commercial enterprise,


20.  To perform other tasks and to use authorities assigned by the Association charter and regulations. 


Duties and Authorities of the President

ARTICLE 19 – The president represents and conducts the Association. He chairs the Central Executive Board meetings. The president


1.     Ensures that civilian authority is notified of full and substitute members elected in the elections by the General Assembly, for the Executive and Supervisory Boards, as well as for the other organs within thirty days following the election,


2.     Ensures that civilian authority is notified of organs of the Association and address amendments, within thirty days,


3.     Ensures that obligatory registers and records of the Association are kept,


4.     Ensures that the statement in which the Association arranges its activities, revenue and expenditure accounts by the end of the year is submitted to the civilian authority by the end of the April every year.


5.     Ensures that, in case an aid is received from abroad, this aid is received through bank transactions,


6.     Ensures that the civilian authority is notified of the immovable properties of the Association, within one month following the land registration,


7.     Ensures that, in case the Association opens new representative agencies, the civilian authority is notified of the address of the agency and the representatives assigned,


8.     Calls the Executive Board for meeting on significant situations and emergencies. He encourages and pioneers for an efficient and effective performance of central and branch duties,


9.     Performs other tasks and uses authorities assigned to the President in the regulations.


Failure to Complete the Executive Board with Substitute Members

ARTICLE 20 – In case the number of the Executive Board lowers than the half of the total member number, even after substitute members have been appointed for the discharged, the General Assembly is called for meeting by the Executive Board members or the Supervisory Board, within one month.

If there is no call for the meeting, upon the application of one of the Association members, magistrate conducts a hearing, and assigns three members of the Association to convene the General Assembly within one month.


Supervisory Board

ARTICLE 21 – The Supervisory Board is comprised of three full members and three substitute members elected by the General Assembly for the period until the next election. A member whose membership is expired may be re-elected. In case of a discharge in the Supervisory Board full members due to resignation or other reasons, it is obligatory to assign the substitute members for the task in accordance with the majority of votes. The Supervisory Board, in accordance with the principles and procedures stated in the charter and with intervals not exceeding one year, inspects whether activities are performed in accordance with the goals and the working fields accordingly stated in the charter, whether records, accounts and registers are kept in accordance with the regulations and the charter; and it reports and submits the inspection results to the Executive Board, and the General Assembly, when it convenes.  


The Supervisory Board determines the way of working by itself. President of the Supervisory Board or a member may make comments or suggestions by attending the Executive Board meetings upon invitation. The Supervisory Board calls the General Assembly for meeting when necessary. Upon request of the Supervisory Board Members, it is obligatory for the Association officers to submit any kind of information, documents and records; to fulfil the request of entering the management places, institutes and annexes.

Duties of the Supervisory Board can be listed as follows:


1.     To inspect the financial performance of CCA


2.     To inspect conformity of the Executive Board applications to “Strategic Plan”,


3.     To inspect conformity of the Association activities to legal obligations, inspection and accounting principles, management principles of the organisation itself, business ethic, and corporate management principles and values,  


4.     To perform other duties and use authorities assigned to the Supervisory Board in regulations.


All the Supervisory Board members must have transparent relations with the organisations for the sake of independence of the Supervisory Board membership.






Association Register and Documents


ARTICLE 22 – The Association keeps the obligatory records in accordance with regulations. Besides, other records may also be kept upon the Executive Board decision.


Borrowing Procedures and Ways of the Association

ARTICLE 23 – The Association, if needed to realise the goals and carry out the activities, may borrow by the Executive Board decision. This borrowing may be in cash, as well as purchase of items or services on credit. However, this borrowing cannot reach an amount that cannot be met with revenue resources of the Association, and that will cause difficulty in payment.


Revenues of the Association

ARTICLE 24 – Revenues of the Association are comprised of


1.     Membership fee, entrance fee,


2.     Revenues received from the publishing, lotteries, proms, entertainments, festivals, exhibitions, concerts, contests, conferences and other similar activities organised by the Association,


3.     Revenues received from the assets of the Association, bank interests and similar revenues,  


4.     Donations and aid granted willingly by real and legal persons, and any kind of conditional or unconditional testament claims,  


5.     Collected aid and accepted donations in accordance with the regulations on aid collection,


6.     Revenues earned from the commercial activities that the Association is engaged with the aim of providing the income required for its goals,


7.     Miscellaneous revenues.


The Association cannot receive any kind of financial aid from political parties and cannot give aid to these organisations under no circumstances.


Revenue and Expenditure Operations

ARTICLE 25 – Association revenues are collected with “Certificate of Receipt” (a sample of this document shown under Associations Regulation Annex-17). In case Association revenues are collected through bank transaction, documents as bank receipts or account abstract are deemed certificate of receipt. Association expenditures are carried out with bills, retail sales slips, self-employment invoice. However, a note of expenses is arranged for the payments in the scope of the Income Tax Law Article no. 94, while “Expense Voucher” (a sample of this document shown under Associations Regulation Annex-13) is arranged for the payments out of this scope.


Items and services free of charge offered by the Association to persons, institutions and organisations are carried out with “Aid in Kind Delivery Notice” (a sample of this document can be found under Associations Regulation Annex-14). Items and services free of charge offered by persons, institutions and organisations to the Association are carried out “Certificate of Aid in Kind Receipt” (a sample of this document can be found under Associations Regulation Annex-15).


Certificates of Receipt 


“Certificates of Receipt” which will be used for collection of the Association revenues are printed (in the form and scale stated under Associations Regulation Annex-17) by the Executive Board decision. 


Acts on the issues such as print and control of certificates of receipt, receiving them from the print house, registering them, hand-over of old and new comptrollers, use of the certificates of receipt by person or persons who shall collect revenues in behalf of the Association must be in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Associations Regulation.


Certificate of Authority


Person or persons that shall collect revenue in behalf of the Association, and their authorisation period as well, are determined by the Executive Board decision. “Certificate of Authority”, which includes the open identity, signature and photographs of the persons that shall collect the revenues (a sample of this document can be found under Associations Regulation Annex-19), is prepared in three copies and signed off by the President of Association Executive Board. Each unit of the Association is provided with copies of certificate of authority. Associations unit are informed by President of the Executive Board on the amendments regarding to the certificate of authority, within fifteen days.


Persons that shall collect revenues in behalf of the Association may commence collecting revenues beginning from the date when Association units are provided with a copy of certificate of authority on their behalf.


Acts on use, renewal, return of the certificates of authority and the other issues shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Associations Regulation. 


Preservation Period for the Revenue and Expenditure Documents

Certificates of receipt, vouchers and other documents except from registers are kept for a period of 5 years in accordance with the number and date order they have been registered, without any prejudice to periods stated under special laws.


Submitting Declaration

ARTICLE 26 – “Association Declaration” (a sample can be found under Associations Regulation Annex-21) regarding to the activities of the previous year and year-end results of the revenue-expenditure operations are filled by the Association Executive Board and submitted to the civilian authority by the President of the Association within the first four months of the every calendar year.  


Obligation of Notification

ARTICLE 27 -  Notifications to be made to civilian authority:


Notification of the General Assembly Results

“Notification of the General Assembly Results” with appendixes (a sample can be found in Associations Regulation Annex-3), which includes full and substitute members elected for the Executive and Supervisory Boards and for other organs are submitted to the civilian authority by the President of the Executive Board within the thirty days following regular and extraordinary General Assembly sessions.


The following documents are also added besides notification of the General Assembly results:


1- A sample of General Assembly meeting minutes signed by the Council Chairman, Deputies of the President and the clerk,

2- In case of charter amendments, old and new versions of the amended provisions, as well as the latest version of the Association charter with signatures of the Executive Board members on each page.

Notification of Immovable Properties 


Civilian authority is notified of the immovable properties acquired by the Association, by filling the “Notification of Immovable Properties” (a sample can be found under Associations Regulation EK-26) within the thirty days following the land registration. 


Notification of Receiving Aid from Abroad

In case of receiving aid from abroad, the Association fills two copies of “Notification of Receiving Aid from Abroad” (a sample can be found under Associations Regulation EK-4) and notifies the civilian authority, before receiving the aid. 


Sample of the Executive Board decision on receiving aid from abroad; protocols, contracts and similar documents arranged on this issue, if available, and the receipts, extras and similar documents of the aid-receiving account are also added to the notification form.

It is obligatory to receive aid in cash through bank transactions and to fulfil the notification requirement before using the aid. 


Notification of the Joint Projects in Collaboration with Public Institutions and Organisations

Sample of the protocol regarding to the joint projects of the Association in collaboration with public institutions and organisations on the issues in the working field of the Association,  and a sample of the project are attached to the “Project Notification” (shown under Associations Regulation Annex-23), and all these documents are submitted to the governor office of the province where the headquarter of the Association, within one month following the protocol date. 


Notification of Amendments 


Civilian authority is notified of amendments in the Association address by filling  “Notification of Address Amendments” (stated under Associations Regulation Annex-24); and of amendments in the Association organs  which have occurred without General Assembly session by filling “Notification of Association Organs Amendments” (stated under Associations Regulation Annex-25), within the thirty days following the amendment.


Civilian authority is notified of the amendments in the Association Charter in the Notification of General Assembly Results attachment, within the thirty days following the General Assembly meeting in which amendments are done. 


Internal Inspection of the Association

ARTICLE 28 – While the General Assembly, Executive Board or Supervisory Board may conduct inspection, it may also give authority to independent auditing firm to carry out inspection. That inspections have been carried out by the General Assembly, Executive Board or independent auditing firms does not remove the responsibility of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board carries out inspection in the Association at least once in a year. If necessary, the General Assembly or the Executive Board may carry out inspection, or may make independent auditing firms carry out inspections. 


Dissolution of the Association and Liquidation of Assets

ARTICLE 29 – The General Assembly may decide on dissolution of the Association at any time.


Two-thirds majority of members who have the right to attend the General Assembly is required to discuss dissolution in the General Assembly. In case of adjournment of the meeting due to the failure to constitute the majority, then majority is not required for the second meeting. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be lower than the twice as much as the total number of executive and supervisory boards’ member. 

Required decision majority for dissolution is the two-thirds of the votes of members who have attended the meeting and have right to vote. Decision on dissolution is voted open in the General Assembly.


Liquidation Operations 


Once dissolution decision is made by the General Assembly, liquidation of the money, assets and rights of the Association is carried out by liquidation committee, which is comprised of the last members of the Executive Board. Liquidation operations start from the date on which the dissolution decision is made by the General Assembly or from the date on which the automatic termination occurs for certain. For all the operations within the liquidation period, the “Call Centres Association in Liquidation” expression is used to refer the Association. 


Liquidation committee is obliged and authorised to complete the liquidation processes of money, items and rights of the Association thoroughly, in accordance with the regulation. This committee firstly reviews the Association accounts. In this review, after determining registers, certificates or receipt, vouchers, land registration documents and bank records and other documents; the committee writes a minute on the assets and liabilities of the Association. During the liquidation process, claimants of the Association are called and their assets, if available, are paid in cash to them. If Association is the claimant, claims are collected. All the cash, properties and rights remaining after the collection of claims and payment of debts are transferred to another establishment determined in the General Assembly. If any establishment to transfer has not been determined in the General Assembly, assets are transferred to an establishment, goals of which are closest to the Association’s and which has the most members on the dissolution date, in the province of the Association.


All operations regarding to liquidation are displayed on liquidation minute; and liquidation operations are completed within three months, except for the extension periods given by the civilian authorities with rightful reasons.

It is obligatory for the liquidation committee to notify the civilian authority of the province of the situation with a written statement and to attach the liquidation minute to this statement, within seven days following the completion of liquidation and transfer operations of money, items and rights of the Association. 


The members of the last Executive Board, as the liquidation committee, are obliged to keep the registers and documents of the Association. This duty may also be assigned to a member of the Executive Board. Preservation period of these registers and documents is five years.



ARTICLE 30 – The Association is managed in accordance with regulation and direction provisions arranged by the Executive Board, without prejudice to Charter.


Lack of Provision

ARTICLE 31 – On issues that are not stated in this charter, provisions of Associations Law, Turkish Civil Code and Associations Regulation and other relevant regulation arranged in accordance with the abovementioned laws regarding to Associations are enacted.

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